Receiving a Courtesy Visit from the Alaska Buyer Team Organized by the American Embassy in Jakarta…[Read More]
PT. Fresh On Time Seafood Sedang memberikan laporan pekerjaan kepada Pak menteri Ir. Sakti Wahyu Trenggono, M.M & Wakil Menteri Laksdya TNI (Purn) Dr. Didit Herdiawan, M.P.A., M.B.A. beserta jajarannya. Pak Menteri sedang memberikan saran kepada Pimpinan PT. Fresh On Time Seafood…[Read More]
Kunjungan Kerja Direktur Jenderal (Dirjen) Perikanan Tangkap. Irjen. Pol. Drs. Lotharia Latif. Beserta jajarannya yaitu Direktur Kapal Perikanan Dan Alat Penangkapan Ikan Mochhamad Idnillah, S.T & Direktur Kepelabuhanan Perikanan Ir, Tri Aris Wibowo, M.Si…[Read More]
Barcelona Seafood Show 2024…[Read More]
Delegasi KKP-Perikanan 2022 Indonesian Seafood Show (Boston)…[Read More]
Indonesia Seafood Show …[Read More]
“PASAR MALAM” Indonesian Traditional Market To create a work environment that is loved by the employees, FRESH ON TIME SEAFOOD cooperate with the local residents and build a trading business for sellers of grocery to provide convenience. Also to create a comprehensive and continuous between employees with local residents through the atmosphere and beautiful relationship […]…[Read More]
SEAFOOD EXPO GLOBAL 2016 – BRUSSELS, BELGIUM. We all should know, one of the biggest seafood events in the world is Global Seafood Expo which is held in Brussels every year. FRESH SEAFOOD ON TIME did not miss the opportunity. Not only as a visitor, but FRESH SEAFOOD ON TIME is present as exhibitior as […]…[Read More]
THAIFEX 2016 It is inevitably that the countries of Southeast Asia is one of the sources of seafood supply to the world. Especially Indonesia, is the best source the world possessed. With our presence in Thaifex 2016, it has become an inaugural event that Indonesia through PT. FRESH ON TIME SEAFOOD will be ready to […]…[Read More]
We would like to thanks to Indonesian Ministry of Marine and Fisheries Affair, Mrs. Susi Pudjiastuti and Indonesia Director General of Marine and Fisheries Affairs, Mr. Nilanto whom visited our group’s booth in seafood export North America 2016 in Boston, USA. And also for the support and help to market the Indonesian Fisheries […]…[Read More]